Substitue for Buxus

Many evergreen varieties are an alternative to Buxus. For example Thuja occidentalis ´Mecki´®  in front of the Orangery of the Herrenhausen Castle with the citiy arms of Hanover.

Further varieties: Euonymus japonica ´Green Spire´, Taxus baccata ´Schwarzgrün´ or Taxus media ´Hicksii´, ´Hillii´ and ´Selektion Kordes´®. They are suitable as hedges, cemetery and rock garden plants as well as ornamental and classical gardens.

till all varieties in high quality and large quantities available. Order now from the current stock-list. We are looking forward to your inquiry.Simply enter the desired quantity and return to or fax to +49 (0) 4106-4013. You will receive your offer immediately.

We want to support you and your company. Feel free with any questions or wishes to call us.

Your Kordes Jungpflanzen Team

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